Dynamic Dental, located in SE Calgary, offers several cosmetic dentistry options. Cosmetic dentistry is focused on creating positive changes to your teeth, your bite, as well as your self-confidence. When most people think of cosmetic dentistry, they think of teeth whitening or veneers, however cosmetic dentistry may also include subtle changes to major repairs. Cosmetic dentistry can include a variety of procedures to improve your smile, including:

  • Cracked and/or chipped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Teeth that are too long or too short
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Stained and/or discoloured teeth
  • Worn teeth

These cosmetic dentistry procedures are designed to restore proper chewing function, as well as to bring back a smile you are excited to show off. Everyone wants to look and feel their best, why not have a beautiful smile too?

Cosmetic Dentistry – Calgary SE 
Dynamic Dental 
Family oriented SE Calgary cosmetic dentistry services
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE

Our SE Calgary dental clinic provides a number of cosmetic dental services, including:

Cosmetic Dentistry & Dental Implants

Dental implants can often help recreate the form and function of missing teeth. Implants are very versatile when it comes to improving your smile. Dental implants are made up of screws comprised of titanium, these fixtures are used to stand in as mechanical replacements for the roots of missing teeth. Dental implants are utilized as a foundation for natural looking, feeling, and functioning tooth replacements. Implants are designed so that they can be applied anywhere along the jaw line. Once the implant is in place, it will merge with the bone and provide the necessary support and rigidity to hold the crown in place.

Depending on your specific needs, Dr. Vranjes can tailor a treatment plan that’s just right for you, from reproducing a single tooth, to helping retain dentures.

If you’re missing teeth, ask Dr. Vranjes if implants are right for you.
MORE INFORMATION: see our SE Calgary dental implants page

Cosmetic Dentistry & Crown and Bridge Work

In some situations, crowns and/or bridges can help restore your beautiful smile. Our philosophy is to be as non-invasive as possible, so we only suggest a crown when a tooth is too badly broken down to support a bonding or veneer, or if a pre-existing crown is to be replaced. A crown can also be placed on top of an implant to provide you with a new replacement tooth. The porcelain used is similar to the material used for porcelain veneers, creating a life-like natural appearance. A discolored tooth may be ‘rejuvenated’ with an aesthetic crown. There are many cosmetic dentistry options available to you, and we would be happy to discuss them with you.

We may recommend a bridge if you’re missing one or more teeth, so as to span the space where teeth have been lost; when done properly, it will look natural.

Not sure if you can benefit from a crown or bridge?  Ask us if they are right for you.

MORE INFORMATION: see our SE Calgary dental bridges and crowns page

Cosmetic Dentistry & Porcelain Veneers

Strong, durable and stain-resistant porcelain veneers, also known as porcelain laminates, are thin shells of porcelain which exactly fit over the front surfaces of the teeth. Veneers have the unique ability to completely mask unattractive stains while letting light through to appear entirely real. Like fake fingernails, they are affixed with an adhesive to the front surfaces of teeth. Strong, durable and stain-resistant, these thin porcelain shells are an instant cure for teeth that are oddly shaped, chipped, pitted, discoloured, crooked or improperly sized or spaced. Veneers are a less invasive alternative to crowns because they require only a thin layer of the tooth to be removed and can be fitted with little or no anesthetic. If you’re thinking that veneers may be for you, ask about a smile analysis. Before doing veneers or crowns on the front teeth, we like to take and analyze a series of pictures and have the lab make a wax up so that you can have an idea of what your teeth will look like before anything is done to them.

Custom made to the exact size, shape and colour you want, they can be used on one or more visible teeth to create a perfect, radiant smile: all in just two appointments.

MORE INFORMATION: visit the Candian Dental Association’s page regarding veneers

Cosmetic Dentistry – SE Calgary 
Dynamic Dental 
A full-service family oriented SE Calgary dental clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE

Cosmetic Dentistry & Bonding

Composite Bonding is among the easiest and least invasive of all cosmetic dental procedures. Bonding is the application of a tooth-colored resin called composite to fix the shape or color of your tooth. Composite bonding can easily repair chips, fractures, decay and discolored teeth. Unlike porcelain veneers, which are manufactured in a laboratory and require your dentist to remove some tooth structure, composites can be applied in a single office visit with minimal tooth removal. If you have chipped, cracked, or discoloured teeth, dental bonding may be a quick and easy way to improve the appearance of your smile. Dental bonding can usually be done in one appointment, and is often used to close gaps between teeth, or to change the size, shape and/or color of your teeth.

In simple cases, we simply find the dental resin that matches the colour of your natural tooth and this material is applied to the teeth and smoothed into the desired shape. A dental light is used to bond the material to the teeth and once the resin has hardened, it is polished to a beautiful sheen.

In more complicated cases, an extra appointment or two may be necessary. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss any aesthetic concerns you may have.

MORE INFORMATION: see our SE Calgary dental bonding page

Cosmetic Dentistry – Smile Analysis

Laughing and smiling should be a reflex that comes naturally, not something that you try to suppress. Too many people are self-conscious about their smile, and it is our goal, through cosmetic dentistry, to give you back confidence in your smile. Often, there is a specific concern, such as a gap between the teeth, that can make someone self-conscious. In some cases, people can’t determine exactly what they don’t like about their smile; allow us to help. When discussing esthetics, Dr. Vranjes often takes a series of pictures with his SLR camera. Along with other diagnostic tools, such as digital x-rays and models, the pictures are analyzed and reviewed with you. Together with Dr. Vranjes, your desired cosmetic dental treatment can be decided upon and planned. Our goal is to work with you to get the smile you have always dreamed of.

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness” William Arther Ward

Cosmetic Dentistry – Calgary SE
Dynamic Dental
Family oriented SE Calgary cosmetic dentistry services
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE
